・NSSC STH2 NSSC’s original stainless steel grade: Lower Cr, Ni, and Mo than 316L-HiNi
・316L-HiNi Conforming to the High Pressure Gas Safety Act and the exemplified standards in the General High Pressure Gas Safety Regulations.

・NSSC STH2 NSSC’s original stainless steel grade: Lower Cr, Ni, and Mo than 316L-HiNi
・316L-HiNi Conforming to the High Pressure Gas Safety Act and the exemplified standards in the General High Pressure Gas Safety Regulations.
Hydrogen is expected to play an important role to achieve the carbon neutrality. As extremely clean energy at all stages from production to utilization, projects aimed at expanding the use of hydrogen are underway around the world.
In preparation for the coming hydrogen based society, NSSC has developed NSSC STH®2, which can be used in a wide range of hydrogen environments and features lower Cr, Ni, and Mo than 316L.
Hydrogen filling stations (pre-cooler, piping), hydrogen storage tanks
Examples of 316L-HiNi mechanical properties (room temperature)
Tensile properties in hydrogen at -40℃ and 70 MPa (representative example)
Appearance of test piece after tensile test in gaseous hydrogen at 70 MPa pressure
NSSC STH2 is superior in hydrogen environments ranging from low-pressure and low-temperature to high-pressure gas environments.
As the strength (tensile strength) is approximately 1.2 times higher than 304L and 316L, thickness and weight can be reduced.
Because of the lesser contents of Ni and Mo, price-stability is higher than 316L-HiNi. (Approx. 40% less Cr, Ni, and Mo compared to 316L-HiNi)
Stress corrosion cracking resistance test2B,1.2mm
● Products such as sheet and strip, quarto plate, and wire and rods will be rolled out.
● Samples of sheet, strip, and quarto plate are available.